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Are you going to give me the perfect Friday night? For me a perfect Friday night is a great dinner, a hot club, then back to my place for more intimate activities. I've reached the point where I'm ready to meet someone I could spend a lifetime with. To me, traveling means somebody cute is dragging me out of the house. I've always been good at getting a conversation started and keeping it interesting. In my free time I like to see what's happening at my favorite club. When I go out, I'm heading somewhere loud, fun, and full of fuckable people. I look forward to finding the right person; I know you're out there! If you contact me remember that I'm looking for a relationship, not just a one-night stand. I'm not changing my life, I just want to improve it to the tune of one man. I love foreplay and I'm looking for a man who isn't afraid of a little play.

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