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Fun, attractive, smart couple in Southern VT seeking discreet couple or group for play He's a 46 year old, attractive and sexy professional. She is 31 years old, very attractive and physically fit. She's hot with other women. He leans towards being dominant and loves to see her in action with other men and women. We're looking for fun couples in which both people want to be engaged. Female must be at least bi-curious. We're open to alot. Commication is key. If we click, we'd be interested in swing vacations together. If you're into light spanking, choking and such, all the better. We're open to single men as well, but ONLY those who can show documentation of recent, thorough STD testing. He wants to see her gang banged. She wants to be gang banged. What a team! amateur women sex dating in Burke New York

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Who wants their lolli licked? Or sucked...or deep throated... Hello! I'm no saint, but I try to live a decent life filled with an indecent amount of sex. I'm not your typical fuck-and-forget date. No time for Love, Dr. Jones! I'm the type who's prepared to fuck you senseless before we exchange phone numbers. Or names. My friends call me over when they want someone to fuck the living shit outta them. To me, traveling means leaving the everyday world behind. I'm in the mood for a little devil to lead me astray. When I go out, I go with the flow, and end up where I end up. For me a perfect Friday night is running naked down a beach at midnight and making love in the backseat all night. Experience-wise, I'm the Master of Your Domain. I'm not changing my life, I'm just turning up the volume on my leisure time. If you contact me I promise to send you home with a smile on your face. Feel free to drop me a line with any naughty thoughts or wishes you care to share. What really gets me going are latin men...about 5'10"-6'2", swimmer's build with dark hair, dark eyes and mocha or olive skin...mmm...yeah, that's what I like! Someone get me a towel! (Metrosexual club hoppers, please stay away! Gimme a REAL man!)
I am surrounded by Maroons~~~Bugs Bunny a nose ass picker..long nose hairs..if your pubes look like mount have a dunlop..if you are a slappy... someone who's colon is leaking...somone who shaves his balls into a mowhawk...he wears his yamaka all day..has a combover...can write his name in the snow with his pee...

We are back home now that summer is over and ready to play, Notice: We are home from the lake house now for the winter. We had the cable shut off at home while we were gone and since our internet is roadrunner our internet was shut down too. But now that we are home we are ready to play and have fun. If you e-mailed us this summer and didnt recieve an answer that is why. I know we had lots of e-mails because I got the alerts on my cell phone but none of them were there when I logged on so to those that sent emails please resend your message if you are still interested. I would like to hear from you. Thanks!! now on to alittle about us... We are a very happily married white couple who are firmly secure with each other and every aspect of our relationship love to be together in and out of bed. We have a sex life that most people would do anything to have. We are fully satisfied with each other. We also love to play with other couples, one couple at a time or many couples all at the same time We like adventure and trying new or different things. We love to camp and enjoy the outdoors. Summer time is spent at our camper on the weekends. We also like to fish and watch Nascar racing on Sunday afternoons. Nascar is kind of a obsession of ours that we freely indulge in. We love to sit by the camp fire at night snuggled up in each others arms just relaxing and enjoying the crickets curing. Winter is spent wishing for summer to arrive again so we can be back at the lake. But we do venture out in the freezing weather to snowmobile and Ice fish. We are looking for other couples to become friends with that just happen to have the best kind of benefits. We are a highly sexual, super sensual couple who enjoy new things and adventurous things.(and some old tricks too). We are DD free, (we do smoke but we can refrain from doing so whiling playing for the right kind of couple) We are not hung up on perfect 10 bodies because we don't have them either. We are average. We do ask that you be DD free. We also require the use of protection. We encourage you to email us if you are interested. Please only serious, honest couples respond to this ad. We don't games.
We all have needs . . . . We are a fun loving couple that loves to feed the need . . . we love spice and variety and all the things that make life yummy!! we will try and reply to everyone as soon as we can ;) . . it does take us a little while to reply . ..please include a pic with your reply if you can . . . my hubby is 100% straight My husband loves to watch big cocks pound me . . . also love a really thick cock . . and I would love to find a girl to share my husband with . . . .can u help??

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*WE will be in Dallas Nov. 2-4th for the Nascar Race, If ur goona be there, let us know!!

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